When you arrive, we will go through your paperwork. You do not need to bring anything other than a named collar and leash. Although some parents do bring their beds, toys and lunch with them and this is fine because these go into their individual sleeping areas for them to enjoy in the breaks.
All dogs must have a collar and name tag on when coming to daycare. Please no choker chains as they are a hazard when playing with other dogs.
All dogs must have a collar and name tag on when coming to daycare. Please no choker chains as they are a hazard when playing with other dogs.
Some people ask if they can stay with their dogs on the first day, however we have found the best approach is simply to drop your dog off, say goodbye and leave as soon as possible for the following reasons:
We encourage all parents to ring on their dogs first day if they are worried or want to have a chat about their dogs progress and behaviour. If we are concerned we will phone you, as we certainly do not want any unhappy dogs while having a pamper with Daycare!
We do provide a snack at lunchtime for our dogs. Some of our dogs are on special diets and their parents bring their lunches to make sure they only eat their approved menus. We have our lunch break from 12pm – 2pm to allow them to have something to eat and have a sleep in their separate sleeping areas. Our dogs are like children at daycare, we want them tired but not too tired in the afternoon.
Our normal day looks like this:
7am – 9am Arrival of dogs and relaxing in their sleeping areas
9am – 12pm Vigorous play with their friends and toys and our team
12pm – 2pm Lunchtime rest
2pm – 4pm More play and pampering
4pm – 6pm Get ready to go home and clean down THE HOUND HUTT®
At the end of the day please be sure to pick your dog up before closing time at 6pm to avoid incurring a late pick up fee.
- Your dog can be receiving mixed messages from you. Dogs are very intuitive and can tell if you are nervous or apprehensive so they will be less likely to leave your side and interact.
- Even though we humans have the best intentions sometimes we can interfere with dog’s interactions and body language. The team at THE HOUND HUTT® are trained at reading dog body language and know all the dog’s unique personalities and know when to intervene and when not to.
We encourage all parents to ring on their dogs first day if they are worried or want to have a chat about their dogs progress and behaviour. If we are concerned we will phone you, as we certainly do not want any unhappy dogs while having a pamper with Daycare!
We do provide a snack at lunchtime for our dogs. Some of our dogs are on special diets and their parents bring their lunches to make sure they only eat their approved menus. We have our lunch break from 12pm – 2pm to allow them to have something to eat and have a sleep in their separate sleeping areas. Our dogs are like children at daycare, we want them tired but not too tired in the afternoon.
Our normal day looks like this:
7am – 9am Arrival of dogs and relaxing in their sleeping areas
9am – 12pm Vigorous play with their friends and toys and our team
12pm – 2pm Lunchtime rest
2pm – 4pm More play and pampering
4pm – 6pm Get ready to go home and clean down THE HOUND HUTT®
At the end of the day please be sure to pick your dog up before closing time at 6pm to avoid incurring a late pick up fee.